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 Personal Emergency Communications

During a major disaster, it's almost a given that the power grid will fail. When that happens, landlines and cellular communications will eventually fail. Two way radios or walkie talkies may be the only available means of contacting others. Whether it's a major weather disaster, earthquake, tsunami , or an apocalyptic  SHTF scenario, or simply when the cell phones, landlines and internet go down, the last, and quite possibly only source of short and long range communications will likely only be the power of the open airwaves.

Disaster Personal Communication

In a disaster, your Personal Communications, such as a  handheld "walkie talkie" radio could be your only way to call for help, to relay a life threatening message or to simply keep updated on severe events and news.

Walkie talkies are a very handy, self contained, battery operated and easy to use form of two way communication that's easy to store in emergency kits. 

Usable communication range can be extended significantly by connecting an extended or outdoor antenna.  The standard antenna gives around 2 km coverage (depending on location and environment) which is great for neighbourhood communications.  With an extended flexi antenna on the walkie talkie adding about 50% more range (around 3 km), great for small town communications.  The real boost comes when the handheld is connected to an outdoor antenna, either at your home or on a vehicle.  It's common to extend the range from 5 and 10 km - great for covering a city.  With our handhelds all options are available. 

Some regions may have hilltop radio repeaters to extend range over a whole region, making a small handheld very powerful.

Disaster Personal Communication radios can be purchased as a package to cover all your communications options, included with the walkie talkie, an extended range flexible antenna, a home outdoor antenna and a vehicle magnetic mount antenna:

<< Personal Communication Package >>



Who Uses UHF PRS Radios?


 Link to more info on PRS Radios





Off-road clubs, ham radio operators, receive and relay.

Setting up your own ....

Amateur Radios / HAM Radios

Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radio-sport, contesting, and emergency communication.

The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;" and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety or professional two-way radio services.

Amateur radios require a special amateur license to use but offer some advantages over UHF PRS CB radios for certain uses. Amateur radios are used for general communications among hobbyists, are great for emergency use, and the equipment is typically better quality than average CB radios.

Amateur radio users have a great network of repeaters that can help you get information from around the world. And, it has a wider range of broadcasting and reception, allowing you to listen to (and talk on) frequencies where important communications will be happening when SHTF.



Emergency organizations use walkie-talkies
Easy to use
Portable and long battery life
Communications when cell phones, telephone networks and the Internet are congested or down.
You can communicate without dialing
The sent message will be received by all walkie-talkies in the area on the same frequency - therefore more chance of someone (anyone) replying to your calls.