Genuine Diamond MX-2000N Triplexer
Technical Specifications:
- Pass Band Frequency:
- LPF 1.6 to 60MHz
- BPF 110 to 170MHz
- HPF 300 to 950MHz
- Power:
- 1.6-60MHz 800W (PEP)
- 110-170MHz 800W (PEP)
- 300-950MHz 500W (PEP)
- Insertion Loss: 1.6-60MHz Less than 0.15dB,110-170MHz Less than 0.2dB,300-950MHz Less than 0.25dB
- Isolation: More than 60dB(In amateur band)
- Impedance: 50ohms
- VSWR: Less than 1.2 (In amateur band)
- Connector: Mixed SO-239,50MHz PL-259,144MHz PL-259,430MHz NP
- Coaxial cable: 5D-2VS(35cm)
- Dimensions: 86(w) x 25(h) x 64(d)mm
- Weight: 360g